Thursday, March 29, 2007

Why Do I Need a Weight Loss Pill?

Do you feel that exercise and changing your diet just aren't helping you achieve your weight-loss goals? You are not alone, many people find exercise and diet alone do not provide the results they desire.

Fat burning supplements, combined with a reduced calorie diet and an exercise plan is the best way to lose weight. Fat burning supplements, like Nutrex Lipo-6, provide the extra boost your body needs to burn the fat. Especially in those tough fat magnet areas we all have.

Many users of Lipo 6 have reported an increase in energy as well as more stamina. They claimed the increased benefits of their workouts was attributed to the use of Lipo 6. The highly advanced liquid capsule formula of Lipo-6 causes a strong, general, as well as localized, fat-burning effect.

An added benefit of Lipo 6, reported by Nutrex, is an increase in your metabolism. Increasing your metabolism enhances the weight loss benefits of your diet and exercise programs by burning fat longer, after your workout.

Nutrex Lipo-6 has only five active ingredients which efficiently seek out female fat problem areas. These ingredients are scientifically engineered to be used by women, who have difficulty losing body fat in those stubborn glute and thigh areas as well as getting rid of stomach fat.

Lipo-6 is also man's best choice for a lean and muscular body. Nutrex reports Lipo-6 rapidly enhances muscle definition and a lean midsection, while attacking those troubled love handles and lower back areas.

The use of fat burning supplements, like Nutrex Lipo-6, may provide the extra boost your body needs to burn the fat. The extra benefits of increased stamina, energy, and elevated metabolism increases the benefits of your exercise program.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Quick Weight Loss Plan - 3 Ways

A quick weight loss plan shouldn't center around counting calories or endlessly figuring out fat grams. If one is concerned in losing weight quickly then they must take measures which target immediate weight loss, rather than long term weight loss. As counting calories would be important for a long term diet plan, for a quick weight loss plan to be successful one has to employ a few tricks.

1. Fasting. The most obvious and quick weight loss plan for many would be just not eating at all. There are also many danger flags which rise up when one thinks of fasting. But, fasting can be done in a safe manner, and there are even many health advocates who recommend a periodic fast every so often to cleanse out the system. Note that much of the weight you will lose will be that of water weight, and a fast should only be done for a short period of time, and must be done following proper guidelines of the particular type of fasting process you are following. The healthy fasting routines will always have you consuming some form of liquid and have you consuming plenty of vitamins. This can be a quick weight loss plan, but it can be very difficult and much of what you lose will be water weight.

2. Carb fast. This quick weight loss plan is a bit better than the complete fast, as you will lose more fat in addition to water weight loss. You essentially cut out all carbohydrates from your diet and only consume a combination of protein and fat. It will usually take from 2 to 5 days before your body switches over and begins using fat as it's primary energy source, thus your body will naturally be burning both the fat you are consuming, along with your own body fat. You must re-load on carbohydrates after the 5th or 6th day (for 1-2 days) and then resume the carb fast for another 5 days. The reason this can be considered a quick weight loss plan is that out of all the diets out there, most people report the most immediate results with the carb fast. A search should done under "keto diet" to learn the exact procedures to perform this quick weight loss plan both safely and effectively.

3. Take supplements! That's right, take supplements as part of your quick weight loss plan. Losing weight in the least amount of time possible, does require some outside assistance. The body just naturally cannot burn fat on it's own that quickly. There are effective supplements you can take. Many go by the name of fat blockers or binders or burners. Some are obviously less reliable than others so it's always important to find out for your quick weight loss plan what compounds work both safely and effectively. And always look for natural based products as your first choice, as they do exist and have numerous benefits, including acting as a perfect supplement to your quick weight loss plan!

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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

How To Get Rid Of Yeast Infection During Pregnancy

Waiting for a child is one of the most amazing things in life. Unfortunately it does come with its problems. Even if you have never had a yeast infection the hormonal changes during that period is often more than enough to have a yeast infection pregnancy.

As I wrote earlier the hormonal changes during this period plays a major role. These changes are so drastic that it can create an imbalance in the woman's body therefore leading the yeast to produce Candida Albicans bacteria.

You see Candida Albicans bacteria needs dark places which are moist and humid to survive. So knowing that you can clearly see why the vagina is one of the best places for a yeast infection to occur. Yeast infections are also known to occur in the mouth, the armpit and between the toes.

The major point that makes the yeast infections pregnancy a good state of being for the Candida Albicans bacteria to develop is this: Under normal condition the bacteria lives in the vagina in small group numbers. But due to the hormonal changes during the pregnancy these small numbers can grow exponentially overthrowing the good bacteria.

Another important factor is that during the pregnancy the immune system of the woman is weakened to allow the foetus to grow unharmed within the womb. As a side effect yeast infection symptoms can occur and sometimes more than once.

If you suffer from yeast infections pregnancy recurring symptoms then you might consider having a doctor check it out.

Another important fact to be aware of if you suffer from yeast infection pregnancy is you sexual partner. Most of the time you can get your partner infected and then get it again if does not treat it. So always make sure you treat yourself and your partner if you suspect him to be infected too.

VERY IMPORTANT: Concerning yeast infections pregnancy treatments. You should always consult before using any treatment. You need to make sure the treatment poses no treat to the development of the foetus or won't cause you to go into premature labour. This is also true for natural or herbal remedies even subscription.

If you are near term and intend to breast feed you should follow your yeast infection pregnancy very closely. You see Breast feeding also takes its toll on your hormonal system. The solution would be to live a healthy lifestyle to prevent your yeast infection pregnancy to continue pas your pregnancy.


Monday, March 26, 2007

Understanding Gradual Hair Loss

Most people routinely lose between 70 and 150 hairs from their scalp each day, mainly through washing, brushing, and combing. But there is tremendous variation in the number of hairs that people shed each day, depending on the number of scalp hairs and the length of the growth cycle. As people age, their rate of new hair growth slows down, resulting in a gradual thinning.

Scalp hair starts to thin when more hairs are lost through normal shedding than the scalp is able to renew. About 40% of the density of scalp hair has to be lost before thinning of the hair becomes noticeable.

Hair loss can be caused by:

• Heredity issues. Most balding is caused by a genetic predisposition - in other words, it's part of a person's genetic makeup. This is called male pattern baldness, or hereditary balding or thinning. It is the most common cause of thinning hair.

• Illness, certain physical conditions, or their treatments. This can include high fever, thyroid disease, childbirth, inadequate protein in the diet, iron deficiency, cancer treatments, the use of certain medications, and other causes.

Hair may be lost in two ways:

• In patchy hair loss, well-defined areas of hair are lost while the remaining scalp retains a good covering of hair.

• In generalized hair loss, there is a uniform thinning over the entire scalp with no areas of normal hair growth.

The medical term for hair loss is alopecia. There are different classifications of alopecia:

• Alopecia areata is a disease in which well-defined bald patches occur. It usually clears completely within 6 to 12 months without treatment.

• Alopecia totalis is an uncommon condition in which all hair on the scalp is lost. The cause is unknown, and the baldness is usually permanent.

• Alopecia universalis is a total loss of hair on all parts of the body.

• Androgenetic alopecia is balding caused by heredity. It can affect both men and women, although women with this inherited tendency do not become totally bald. The condition can start in a person's teens, twenties, or thirties.

If you notice you are shedding hair excessively after combing or brushing, or if your hair is becoming thinner, you should consult with your primary care provider or a dermatologist (a physician who specializes in treating skin and hair problems). A doctor can determine if disease is present and whether or not the hair loss will respond to medical treatment.

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Saturday, March 24, 2007

Facts on Lemons and Weight Loss

Many people ask questions like, "How do lemons and weight loss go together?" and "Can lemons make me lose weight?" Let's examine what that sour little citrus friend of ours can and cannot do in our battle of the bulge.

Lemons are well-known for containing a lot of Vitamin C. In addition to that, lemons also contain citric acid, which is what gives them the sour taste.

Apart from the lemon juice, there are also the pulp and rind that make up the rest of the lemon.

Not much there that could help one lose weight, one would think? Well, think again.

To lose weight effectively you have to keep your body well hydrated, meaning it is important to drink a few liters of water per day. The water itself does not make you lose weight, but it helps the body perform well and clean itself of waste and toxin.

Drinking lot of water can be rather monotonous. Some people also just do not like the taste of water.

Instead of substituting water with some other liquid, add some lemon juice to the water. That will change the taste and help you drink a little more water.

Lemons are also used in food preparations.

Lemon juice is typically squeezed onto fish dishes to neutralize the taste of amines in the fish.

Fish makes an excellent meal in anyone's weight loss diet. It's generally low in fat and very nutritious.

Hence, lemons help us make a very healthy food even better and more tasty, helping us to eat it more regularly.

Now, for weight loss we're not talking battered fish! We're talking about "the fish" cooked and served with minimal dressing.

Lemon juice also adds that little extra taste and zest to the best of salads. Once again, it helps us wanting to eat more healthy and low-fat food.

Even though our lemon friend does not contain magical powers to help us lose weight, it plays a very important role in enhancing the taste of many of the foods that help us shed those pounds.

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Friday, March 23, 2007

Some Possible Side Effects Of Your Make-up

The cosmetics industry is a big business all around the world. Most manufacturers strive to make their products safe for as many people as possible, but there are still cases where cosmetics can have some side effects on some people. A recent study found that many cosmetics that are used all over the world had chemicals that contained carcinogens, agents that are known to cause cancer. Others had not done research or studies on the effects their products had on human beings. Because of this, it was concluded that more research on the safety of cosmetics for humans is needed.

When certain fragrances or preservatives are added to different kinds of cosmetics, skin allergies, or allergic dermatitis can appear in some people. This can cause irritation or rashes where the product is applied to the skin. People that are allergic to some substances or try a product that irritates their skin could benefit greatly from a patch test, conducted by a dermatologist or physician. A patch test is when a variety of different chemicals is applied to the skin in small applications and observed for a few days to see the reaction the skin takes. At this point, consumers can avoid the chemicals that cause allergies by reading the ingredients on the product labels. Some people will find that even if they are not allergic to a certain substance they may still get skin irritation because of a condition known as irritant dermatitis where the cosmetic damages the outer layer of skin.

Exfoliating products such as deep cleansers and skin peels can cause damage to the skin if it is exposed to excessive sunlight. This is because they remove the top layer of the skin, which is the protective layer. Excessive scrubbing or frequent washing can have similar effects by stripping away the oily layer the body provides for protection of the skin.

Some ingredients found in cosmetic products are suspected to contain chemicals that could have serious side effects. A recent study was published that claimed some deodorants may be a factor in causing breast cancer. The study was specifically on parabens, which is a certain kind of chemical commonly used in deodorants and anti-perspirants as preservatives. Parabens are found in breast cancer tissue. The study was not conclusive in linking the two, but caution should still be used when shopping for cosmetic products. It is a good idea to be aware as a consumer that many of the products we use everyday can be complex chemical compounds. Read the label for ingredients and be aware of the properties the products contain. After all, we're putting these things directly onto us.

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Thursday, March 22, 2007

So You Want To Lose Weight Before Prom Fast?

Most of us girls have been there and done that. It's a few weeks before prom, we've seen that sexy dress we want to wear but don't quite fit in, and we panic. We want to lose weight before the prom fast! So, what do we do?

For days we literally go hungry, drink just water and munch on lettuce like a deer in the backyard.

We suddenly remember that gym membership and jump on the treadmill for hours every day.

After a few days we're completely pooped, look like a slightly overweight ghost, and snap at everyone because we're cranky, hungry, and that darn dress is still a size or two too small.

Okay, we figure, this isn't working.

Next we jump on the Internet and find all those quick weight loss solutions. You know, the ones that have you run on that darn treadmill for hours wearing a plastic bag, drink herbal tea till you want to gag, or pop pills that wind up your metabolism like a coiled spring.

It's tempting at this point in time, isn't it? Prom is getting closer every day!

Listen girl, just don't do it. The risks to your health and wellbeing just simply are too great to try to lose weight fast before the prom.

One pound of fat equals roughly 4,000 calories. It is impossible to do enough exercise, eat little enough without dying from starvation, or increase your metabolism enough to burn that number of calories in a short period of time.

Remember, you need to burn those calories in addition to the calories you need to stay alive.

The best you can aim for in terms of realistic fat burning is around one pound per week.

To do that, you need to eat sensibly to stay healthy, do moderate exercise, and closely watch your calorie intake.

Buy that dress in a number that fits you. Then be creative and add a few extras or accessories to hide what you don't like. You know, use those little secret tricks that just us girls know.

Then go out, have a blast and forget about how to lose weight fast before the prom.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Risk Of Heart Attack & Stroke For Women Increased By Air Pollution

A recent U.S. study published by the New England Journal of Medicine has found significant links between small particle air pollution and heart disease and strokes in women. The researchers were based at the University of Washington and used data provided from the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) Observational Study involving 65,893 women in and around 36 U.S. cities. Of major importance in the WHI study was the establishment of a stronger statistical association between fine particulate air pollution and death from coronary heart disease than that found in previous studies.

The average particulate levels in the study ranged from about 4 micrograms to almost 20 micrograms per cubic meter. The researchers found that each 10 microgram rise was matched by a 76% increase in the chances of death from heart disease or stroke. Many of these particles are so tiny that it would take over 2 dozen to equal the thickness of a human hair.

It has long been known that particulates can contribute to lung and heart disease, with women perhaps more susceptible than men to heart problems because of their smaller blood vessels and other biological differences. Researchers believe that when dirty air is inhaled, invisible pollutants can become embedded in the lungs or travel through the bloodstream. They may then harden arteries or cause inflammation leading to cardiac disease or stroke. Unlike earlier studies, this one looked not just at deaths, but also at heart attacks, coronary disease, strokes and clogged arteries. In their calculations, the researchers tried to adjust for lower income and other health problems that have been blamed for the higher rates of disease in past studies.

Indoor air quality professionals have known for years that fine particulate air pollution can cause respiratory problems, especially in infants, the elderly and those with compromised immune systems. The Environmental Protection Agency tightened its daily limit on exposure to fine particulates in September 2006, but left the annual limit at a concentration of 15 millionths of a gram for every cubic meter of air. Many health professionals and air quality experts felt that the new EPA rules didn't go far enough to protect the public. Several environmental groups and individual states sued the EPA last year for disregarding advice from its own scientists regarding tighter rules on fine particulate matter. The EPA's Air Quality Index provides daily updates, including fine particle pollution and can be found at

Although there isn't much you can do about outdoor air pollution, indoor air quality is something you can have control over. Commercial air cleaners are not just for businesses, they have residential applications as well. For example, the SE-400 can remove large quantities of airborne particles that enter your home. The unit features a tightly woven aluminum mesh pre-filter that first removes large particles. Next, the smaller particles are trapped by the collector cells, which collect the particles like strong magnets. Help reduce the threat to your health from fine particulate matter by using superior commercial air cleaners.


Monday, March 19, 2007

What are the Benefits of the South Beach Diet?

The key to success on any weight-loss program is sticking to it. Yo-yo dieting can not only cause participants to actually gain weight, but can also have ill effects on the body. This is why many of the leading weight-loss programs such as South Beach and Atkins are designed to be simple to understand and follow, and comprise of a wide variety of tasty, foods which are good for you.

The South Beach Diet has been considered similar to the Atkins regime. Indeed, it shares many of the same principles. Many people consider the South Beach plan as the improved Atkins. However, unlike Atkins, carbohydrates aren't banned completely – these are allowed at certain periods in time.

Breads and other carbohydrates are even allowed in the second and third stages. Participants who suffer with food intolerances should be especially careful, however, and this can affect the safety and efficiency of the plan.

From the nutritional perspective, it can provide your body with many benefits. The program is well planned, relying not on the reduction of any sole food group, but on lowering carbohydrates, poor cholesterols, fats, sugar, white bread, and other none-nutritional food products.

This weight-loss program doesn't just rely on reducing the amounts of saturated fats. The plan is designed to help participants understand how the metabolism works. The glycemic index is one of the main reasons for the program's success. It categorizes carbohydrate foods according to their effects on the body's blood sugar level. When you begin the second stage, it is wise to consume many low GI foods, such as fruits, grains and foods containing fiber.

Eating should be enjoyable and beneficial and this program helps to achieve that. The suggested meals are tasty and contain all essential food groups, in portions large enough to appease one's hunger. Even the most clueless of cooks can prepare the meals with ease as the ingredients are readily available from most shops. Your hunger will be satisfied in a manner that does not leave you with blood-chemistry problems derived from a lack of sugars and starches.

With the help of this plan, participants can combat poor eating habits and lower cholesterol levels, reducing the risks of cardiovascular complications. Founder Dr. Agatston said that this eating plan can be very effective if participants follow it rigidly.

This program has been designed by a cardiologist, carrying in it the most successful parts from other dieting plans, to make a holistically healthy eating plan that will not only keep the pounds off, but will also help to ensure the longevity of your body when followed correctly.


Sunday, March 18, 2007

Gesta - The "One Weekend" Diet

The Gesta diet was created by dietician Madeleine Gesta for movie stars who had to lose a lot of weight in a short while. This diet is at the same time a good way for general recovery. It takes only two days and includes proteins, calcium, and vitamins that provide energy. It is characterized by balance, relaxation, and a lot of rest.

The diet has two phases. The first phase allows the body`s cleansing of toxins and the second is of stabilization.
The diet has three meals per day. Each meal follows the four-two-one ratio (four parts glucids, two parts proteins, and a part of lipids). The amount of recommended food for a meal is eighteen ounces . For this diet you should 0.40 gallons of water daily but never during meals.

On Saturday, in the morning, when you wake up, drink with small swigs 0.13 gallons of water for toxins elimination. After thirty minutes, drink a grapefruit juice (very rich in vitamin C and potassium). After fifteen minutes, drink a can of fat-free milk with a teaspoon of cocoa and one of honey.

At lunch, eat seven ounces of fish, boiled in steams or prepared in the oven. You may add lemon juice and olive oil. Two hours later you can eat a yogurt with a teaspoon of honey because it stimulates intestinal transit.

In the afternoon, drink a glass of water with the juice from a lemon and a teaspoon of honey.

For dinner, boil for twenty minutes in 0.40 gallons of water two ounces of leek, seventeen ounces of carrots, seventeen ounces of tomatoes, two roots of celery, and some savory. Drink three bowls of soup at a ten minutes interval then eat three bowls of boiled vegetables with at a twenty minutes interval. Vinegreta is a cold sauce made of pickle, olive oil, salt, and pepper.

Before bedtime, eat a yogurt with a teaspoon of honey.

On Sunday, during the first five hours, the body needs to absorb the liquids so you need to rest as much as possible. The menu from the first day is the same for lunch and morning. For dinner, eat seven ounces of boiled fish and a bowl of vegetables.

Before bedtime, eat a yogurt with a teaspoon of honey. To read the rest of this article, go to an online weight loss community featuring calorie counter, carbs counter, BMI calculator, diet planner, workout planner and nutritional information.

(c) 2007. All rights reserved.

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Saturday, March 17, 2007

Reasons to Buy Hoodia Weight Loss Products

Hoodia is a cactus that is causing a stir within the weight loss industry due to its
appetite suppressing capabilities. The product hoodia is sold in capsule, liquid
and tea form in health food stores and also on the internet. 60 Minutes, ABC,
and the BBC have all issued articles on the hoodia weight loss product.

Although hoodia was only recently discovered and introduced into the U.S.
market, the Bushmen of the Kalahari desert, South Africa, have been eating
hoodia for many centuries. The bushmen were known to cut off sections of the
stem and eat it as it would make them feel fuller faster and longer. It was also
known that the bushmen would eat the hoodia as a means of reducing abdominal
cramps, indigestion and diabetes.

In 1963, scientists at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
began studying hoodia and found initial results very promising; lab animals lost
weight after taking hoodia. Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer caught wind of hoodia
and the results it was showing and became very interested in developing a
hoodia drug.

Pfizer discovered a molecule within hoodia, P57 which is known to be the appetite
suppressant molecule. Many of the worlds leading pharmaceutical companies are
now hoping to license this P57 molecule into a legalized weight loss pill.

Hoodia appears to suppress the appetite dramatically and makes you feel fuller
faster and longer. The buzz surrounding hoodia all started as a result of the 60Minutes
correspondent Leslie Stahl who's crew traveled to Africa to try hoodia. Leslie Stahl tried
the hoodia product before her hunting trip into the desert. She said she "lost the desire
to eat or drink the entire day."

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Friday, March 16, 2007

Using Natural Methods To Treat Menopause

Using Natural Methods To Treat Menopause

The more we learn about the risk of hormone replacement therapy, the more exciting it is to study herbal remedies for menopause. There is no cure because Menopause is not a disease or is it a sickness. Menopause, like puberty, cause hormonal imbalances that are not always pleasant or easy. However, menopause is a natural phase of a woman's life cycle. It is natural for perimenopausal women to experience body changes and menopausal symptoms throughout this time. These can include heavy and irregular menstruation, hot flashes, mood swings and vaginal dryness. With this said, menopause does not have to be a time of discomfort. Herbs can be wonderful allies to the menopausal woman.

First let's discuss the prevention of possible problems. Exercise boost bone strength, encourages a healthy cardiovascular system and increases the production and use of hormones in your body. Getting plenty of sleep and leisure time also aid in reducing your stress levels which add to your overall health and wellbeing

A early healthy reproductive life can result in a more pleasant menopause. If a women experiences problems with her cycle, PMS, cramps or other reproductive problems early in life, that is the time to start a program to improve her reproductive and hormonal health. Women who have a good hormonal balance history enter menopause ahead of the game.

Following are a few popular herbs that can help the menopausal woman who is not interested in traditional hormone therapy:

• Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) an antispasmodic that contains a natural precursor to estrogen (i.e., the body uses these elements as raw materials to produce its own hormones and only in the amount it needs). It was widely used by the American Indians and later by American colonists for the relief of menstrual cramps and menopause. Recent scientific investigation has upheld the use of black cohosh in treating menopause. Do not use Black Cohosh with extreme low blood pressure.

• Garden Sage (Salvia officinalis) Sage is an astringent, antiseptic, tonic herb, with a camphor-like aroma. Sage relaxes spasms, suppresses perspiration and lactation, improves liver function and digestion and has anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant and estrogenic effects. Helps night sweats, cold sweats and hot flashes

• Vitex (Vitex agnus-castus) also known as the called Chaste Tree. Studies support the effectiveness of this herb with gynecological problems. Vitex is one of the finest hormonal balancers. traditionally used for menstrual difficulties. Vitex can be used to help reduce hot flashes, dizziness, PMS and mood swings. It has also been used for fibroids and endometriosis

• Evening Primrose Oil (Oenothera biennis) Evening Primrose Oil is good as a natural source of the essential fatty acid, Gamma Linolenic Acid, which is needed by the body. And helpful in regulating hormones. Essential fatty acids are critical in the production of prostaglandins. In the body prostaglandins help regulate fat metabolism, inflammatory response, hormones, as well as the cardiovascular, immune and central nervous systems. . Evening Primrose Oil reduces menstrual cramps, mood swings, depression and breast tenderness.

• Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) is used for menstrual and uterine conditions as well as in heart and circulation treatments. It is valuable in the stimulation of delayed or suppressed menstruation, especially where there is anxiety or tension involved. It is a good relaxing tonic for aiding in menopausal changes. Motherwort is useful in reducing heart palpitations. It is a digestive aid and is wonderful for hot flashes.

• Eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticosus),also know as Siberian Ginseng. Used as an alternative herbal supplements aimed at relieving depression, stress and anxiety without the unwanted side effects of prescription antidepressant medications. It rejuvenates the reproductive system and encourages hormonal balance.

• Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis) is described as a herb with "an affinity for the female constitution". It is good for treating anemia and weak glands, regulating monthly periods, correcting hot flashes and vaginal spasms (PMS), and assisting women through the difficult transition of menopause. It is never given to women during pregnancy and should not be used during menstruation if experiencing heavy bleeding.

Let me say this, however, not every women experiences all of the symptoms mentioned.
when you do experience symptoms, the severity, length of time and frequency vary from
women to women. Many women find treatment unnecessary because they are hardly bothered by the symptoms. Those who experience more severe ongoing symptoms will often seek out natural methods of treatment, as referenced above. It has been confirmed by research that a healthy lifestyle has a big effect on minimizing the negative effects of menopause. This healthy lifestyle includes a diet of natural and whole foods, sufficient sleep, regular exercise and healthy stress management. For many this lifestyle is the best menopause treatment of all, not only can you manage the symptoms but sometimes eliminate them altogether.

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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Top 3 Weight Loss and Anti-Aging Foods

Micro inflammation accelerates both weight gain and premature aging and food is a huge factor in causing inflamation. If the inflammation is in the arteries we end up with cardiovascular disease and if the inflammation is in the skin we end up with accelerated aging. Once we understand this the next question is what type of therapeutic intervention can we do to interrupt micro inflammation?

An anti inflammatory diet is the first an most important step.


Powerful Inflammatory

Salmon contains high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids are crucial for building the cell membrane, we need Omega 3 fatty acids to make our cells healthy. Omega 3 acts as a natural anti-inflammatory in the body, it decreases our risk of heart disease, it makes our brains work better, and it even elevates our mood.

Salmon also contains the very powerful antioxidant astaxanthan which is responsible for the pink color of salmon. Astaxanthan is about 100 times stronger than vitamin e.


Strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory

Tufts University analyzed 60 fruits and vegetables for their antioxidant capability. Blueberries came out on top, rating highest in their capacity to destroy free radicals. Blueberries contain phytonutrients called anthocyanidins which literally neutralize free radical damage to our cells and tissues.

Green Tea

"The absolute miracle"

Green tea contains large amounts of anti-inflamitories. Green tea is healthy because it reduces inflammation which also helps us lose weight.

Coffee does just the opposite.

It's not just the caffeine in coffee that's unhealthy, coffee also contains organic acids that can throw off blood sugar and insulin.

If you take away coffee and just add green tea in most cases and if you do nothing else there is usually a 6-10 pound weight loss in 4 - 6 weeks.

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